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cyrax Delta's Domain cyrax

The Collection


What is this??

This is my collection of video games that I own wrapped up in a nice list.


Basically I've had this website collecting dust with not much on it, so I figured this would be the perfect place to put my collection on. I've documented my collection in the past but never updated it. I figured having it on the site would be the perfect motivation.

Doesn't this seem like a waste of money having these games? Video games have been my passion all my life, and honestly, my collection is my pride and joy. Everyone has their thing. And yes, it is an expensive hobby, but everyone spends their money one way or another. While other people are saving money to go the the beach, or maybe buying cds, or car parts, or sports equipment, this is what I'm doing. This is fun to me. If you don't like it, then head elsewhere.

Some games say NTSC-J next to them. Why's that?

Games are released all over the world, and they're always marked with a code to say what region they're for. If it's released in the US, it's called NTSC-U. A game from Japan would be called NTSC-J. Games released in European areas (UK, Australia, etc.) are called PAL games. These codes are important so you know what language/version you're getting. Not only that, but NTSC-U/J and PAL games run differently to account for the hertz on a TV screen/monitor (US=60hz, UK=50hz).

Why do you have Japanese games if you can't read Japanese?

Various reasons. Whether it be for speedrunning purposes, or just acquiring them because they're cool (or randomly).

Why did you combine Gameboy and Gameboy Color? They're two different systems.

While I agree, many gaming related things combine the two, since they are very similar. Also I don't think I have enough games to warrent making them two separate pages honestly.

Then why did you separate the NES and the Famicom? They're the same console right?

Well technically yes. However I felt more of a reason to separate the two. Just trust me on this one.

Why do you have consoles listed like the Dreamcast or Virtual Boy, if you have little to no games for them?

Because I own the console mostly. It's not everyday you can say you own a Virtual Boy. As for owning no games for the Dreamcast; if you know, you know.